We are well into the second half of 2023 now, but you still have a chance to make it your year. Too often we get caught up in the myth that if a change doesn’t happen on New Year’s Day, then the whole year should be scrapped and we should wait until next year to make a change. Here are some ways you can improve your life in the second half of 2023.
Start keeping a five year journal
I am a huge fan of tracking progress, so the idea of a five year journal just appeals to me instantly. The concept of a five year journal is that you are given a daily prompt and then there are five sections below it, where you can fill in your response each year. Starting right now means giving yourself an opportunity to see real progress year on year, provided you are working to make things better for yourself consistently.
Take the leap and open your own business
If you have had an idea brewing at the back of your mind for a little while and you wonder if it is something that you might be able to turn into something that improves your situation, now is the time to do it. Start researching things like production, licensing, accounting and more so that you are able to handle running your own business, and look into innovation programmes like DMZ for support if you think they might be able to help you. If you start today, who knows where you might be this time next year.
Make improvements to your home
A change is as good as a break, they say, so maybe if things are feeling a little bit stagnant for you then now is a good time to make some changes to your home. Now is a great time to think about setting up a new heating system so that you are prepared for the Winter months and don’t have to deal with being chilly while work is taking place – click here if you aren’t sure where to start with planning your new cosy home.
Heal any wounds in your relationship
Everybody needs therapy from time to time. In fact, going to therapy isn’t necessarily a sign that something is wrong, but just that you want to make sure everything is right. However if there is something in your relationship that has been holding you both back from being perfect for eachother, then click here and start a journey to healing whatever is wrong and being the best couple that you can be.
Have you got any plans to end 2023 on a high note? Share your thoughts in the comments below.